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SUMMARY OF VLSS (February 4 – March 18, 2022):

The Virtual Life in the Spirit Seminar (VLSS) conducted by BLD St. Catharines Covenant Community is the first-ever hybrid LSS the BLD Community ever had. With the exhortation of our Cluster Shepherds, Tony and Angie Ng, the Evangelization Stewards, with the full support of all the other DCS, navigated through the unchartered waters of hybrid VLSS bringing with them “no pouch nor staff” in the journey, but only faith and hope in the Divine providence.

For more than 2 years since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, BLD St. Catharines had not had any Encounter programs. However, with God’s gift of virtual technology and His guidance, learning the “online craft” the hard way became a possibility. The daily community online rosary (via Zoom) that started in October 2020 has been God’s training ground to lead this event to fruition. We believe that Mama Mary’s intercession, the mediatrix of all God’s graces, is the very source of light in making this event a reality, from touching the hearts of the participants to registering up to the time they have graduated the six-Friday VLSS.

Upon prayerful discernment, the DCS invited Avic and Poch Robles to be the VLSS coordinators to which they have generously agreed. The Evangelization Stewards came up with the idea of hybrid sessions with the aid of the experience of BLD Toronto’s fully-virtual LSS in 2021, and the BLD six-Fridays in-person parish-based LSS program given by our cluster shepherds.

There were a total of 22 participants who registered through the www.bldstcatharines.org online registration form. For subtle reasons, 3 registrants were not able to complete the seminar. With the loving dedication and support of the VLSS Shepherds and Co-Shepherds to their lambs, God has bountifully given the community 19 graduates, 17 from Ontario (mostly parishioners in the Diocese of St. Catharines) and 2 from the U.S.

During the VLSS online reunion, in April 2022, we saw God’s power of healing and transformation working silently in the hearts of our lambs, through the powerful testimonies of our 3 VLSS graduates. Animating the meeting was the beautiful video of the VLSS snapshots lovingly prepared by Brother Alex Calanog. The reunion ended with the final blessing from our Spiritual Director Fr. Don Lizzotti.

We would like to express our profound gratitude to the following:

  • Our Bishop, Most Reverend Gerard Paul Bergie, who gave a powerful presence and homily during the VLSS invocation mass; Fr. Don Lizzotti, the Community Spiritual Director; VLSS Spiritual Director Fr. Chris Kulig for his untiring presence, talks, and homilies; Fr. Ben Weber, the rector of the St. Catherine of Alexandria Cathedral; and Fr. Greg Schmidt for sharing his wonderful talk and reflection on Receiving God’s gifts;
  • Our teachers: Romy Panday, Lina Ayroso, and Tony Ng for their words of wisdom, time, talent, and treasure;
  • Our VLSS sharers: Dan and Myrna Zapata, Romy and Minda Panday, Arthur and Hazel Jorvina of BLD OSG/SFX District, and Tellie Ferrenbach for their courageous testimonies on God’s healing power, transformation, and miracles in their lives;
  • Our countless, generous, and untiring working team leaders and members of the various VLSS teams: Intercessory, Registration, Finance, Praise, Liturgy, and Technical, as well as our Prayer Leaders
  • Our brothers and sisters from various BLD districts, including the BLD Manila, BLD OSG/SFX in Mississauga, BLD Districts in Cluster 7A, BLD Toronto, as well as the BLD CSL in Manila, the Legion of Mary, and the Sisters from Carmel of St. Joseph at St. Agatha Ontario for their prayers and support in various ways;
  • Our Youth members for their support, knowledge, expertise, and resourcefulness;
  • Our lambs, without them there will be no VLSS (LSS No. 21); and
  • Most of all, we thank God the Almighty for His grace, mercy, love, and countless blessings that He poured into the lives of all the lambs, working team leaders and members, and benefactors.


To God be praise and blessing, honor, and glory, forever and ever. Amen!

Prepared by: Corrie/Gener Bajao